Conversations - Performance Insights
Conversations - Performance Insights
This pages shows the number of new conversations received and other metrics that measure your team's output.
New conversations by type
It shows the total amount of conversations by type in our Conversations product for the selected period
It compares the amount of new conversations you had during the previous period of 'x' days to your currently selected period of 'x' days
It shows the total amount of conversations per day for the selected period
The chart is stacked, so that the top line shows the total of all conversations

Conversations replied to
It shows the total amount of conversations that you have replied to in our Conversations product for the selected period
It compares the amount of conversations that you have replied to during the previous period of 'x' days to your currently selected period of 'x' days
It shows the amount of conversations you have replied to per day for the selected period

Closed conversations
It shows the total amount of conversations that you have closed in Listen&Respond for the selected period
It compares the amount of conversations that you have closed during the previous period of 'x' days to your currently selected period of 'x' days
It shows the amount of conversations you have closed per day for the selected period

Median first response time
It shows the median first response time for the selected period
It compares the median first response time during the previous period of 'x' days to your currently selected period of 'x' days
It shows the median first response time per day for the selected period

Median time to close
It shows the median time to close a conversation for the selected period
It compares the median time to close a conversation during the previous period of 'x' days to your currently selected period of 'x' days
It shows the median time to close a conversation per day for the selected period

Updated on: 16/01/2025
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