Conversations - Instagram Direct Messages
Instagram Direct Messages are available to handle via our Conversations product.
How to enable it?
If you aren't already using any of our other IG supported features such as IG comments and mentions(Conversations product) or IG posts(Posts product) follow the following steps.
1. Connect your Instagram Business accounts to your Facebook pages.
Make sure all your Instagram accounts that you want to connect are Instagram Business accounts. Here's how to switch from a Personal to a Business account (from Instagram Help Center)
How to connect a Facebook Page and Instagram account (from Facebook Help Center)
What happens when you connect your Facebook Page and Instagram account (from Facebook Help Center)
Please note: When Instagram Business Accounts are connected to Facebook pages, it could take up to 24h until they are available for posting in our Posts product.
2. Reconnect your Facebook account to PinMeTo
In order to reconnect your Facebook account, log in to PinMeTo, go to Account Settings - Connections, then click Change.

3. Contact us
Once you have completed all those steps, contact our Customer Success team to enable the feature for you in our Conversations product.
4. Start replying to your IG Direct messages
Go to our Conversations product - Filter on Instagram - Direct Messages and view all the messages that are open in your Inbox.

There are a few things to know about IG Direct Messages
Instagram's API doesn't allow replying to messages that are more than 7 days old, so make sure you reply to your customers within those 7 days.
Supported message formats by Instagram's API:
Direct Messages (text & emoji)
Images & videos - (currently not working due to an issue on Instagram side(they are aware and they are working on resolving it)
Unsupported message formats by Instagram's API:
Video chat
Voice messages
Taking photos & videos directly in the Instagram App and sending them
Group chats
Shared post with a direct message
The unsupported message formats can be viewed directly on the IG app and will show in our Conversations product as unsupported. Example below:

How to enable it?
If you aren't already using any of our other IG supported features such as IG comments and mentions(Conversations product) or IG posts(Posts product) follow the following steps.
1. Connect your Instagram Business accounts to your Facebook pages.
Make sure all your Instagram accounts that you want to connect are Instagram Business accounts. Here's how to switch from a Personal to a Business account (from Instagram Help Center)
How to connect a Facebook Page and Instagram account (from Facebook Help Center)
What happens when you connect your Facebook Page and Instagram account (from Facebook Help Center)
Please note: When Instagram Business Accounts are connected to Facebook pages, it could take up to 24h until they are available for posting in our Posts product.
2. Reconnect your Facebook account to PinMeTo
In order to reconnect your Facebook account, log in to PinMeTo, go to Account Settings - Connections, then click Change.

3. Contact us
Once you have completed all those steps, contact our Customer Success team to enable the feature for you in our Conversations product.
4. Start replying to your IG Direct messages
Go to our Conversations product - Filter on Instagram - Direct Messages and view all the messages that are open in your Inbox.

There are a few things to know about IG Direct Messages
Instagram's API doesn't allow replying to messages that are more than 7 days old, so make sure you reply to your customers within those 7 days.
Supported message formats by Instagram's API:
Direct Messages (text & emoji)
Images & videos - (currently not working due to an issue on Instagram side(they are aware and they are working on resolving it)
Unsupported message formats by Instagram's API:
Video chat
Voice messages
Taking photos & videos directly in the Instagram App and sending them
Group chats
Shared post with a direct message
The unsupported message formats can be viewed directly on the IG app and will show in our Conversations product as unsupported. Example below:

Updated on: 09/10/2024
Thank you!