Articles on: Conversations

Conversations - Bulk Reply

Bulk Reply

Step-by-Step guide to using Bulk Reply

Here is a step-by-step guide to replying to more than one conversation at a time in Conversations and Reviews.

Optional Step 1: Apply filters

Most bulk actions start with applying some filters to make a more specific selection. You can do this by selecting a saved filter or by applying a new filter.

Step 1 - Apply a filter

Step 2: Select

Click Select Multiple to enable selection checkboxes for the conversations shown in your feed.

Select Multiple
You can select individual messages or check the checkbox at the top of your feed to select up to 100 visible messages. If there are more than 100 messages in your feed, you can load 100 more by scrolling down and clicking Load More.


Step 3: Create your reply

When one or more conversations are selected with a selection checkbox, you will be given the options to Assign to, Close or Reply and Close these conversations.

When you reply you can either reply using a single typed or saved reply; or using multiple saved replies by clicking the Use a Saved Reply tab.

Use saved replies
Here you can choose from your list of saved replies by clicking Select from Saved Replies.

Select from Saved Replies
Add them to the selection by clicking Add Selection.

Select saved replies
If you select more than one saved reply, the platform will send these randomly to the conversations in the selection. This has the benefit of improving your SEO because Google will index each of these replies individually. It will also enhance your online reputation because customers who find your location online will see you’re using a variety of responses. Typically our customers use three saved replies when they reply in bulk. You can add or manage your saved replies by clicking the saved replies menu on the sidebar.

Step 4. Reply and close

When you're happy with the reply or replies you'll send to your selection, click Reply and Close.

Reply and Close
A dialogue will ask you to confirm your choice. Click Ok to proceed or Cancel to return to the previous screen.

Confirmation dialogue

Updated on: 22/12/2023

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