Articles on: Listings

Listings - Insights - Rating

Total Rating:

Average rating from Google, Facebook and Trustpilot combined, for the selected period

Average Lifetime rating from Google, Facebook and Trustpilot combined.

Sentiment distribution - The distribution of Positive and Negative reviews for the selected period.

Total Number of Ratings:

Total number of ratings from Google, Facebook and Trustpilot combined, for the selected period

Lifetime number of ratings from Google, Facebook and Trustpilot combined

Status - Answered and Unanswered Google, Facebook and Trustpilot conversations, for the selected period.

Google Rating:

Average rating from Google, for the selected period

Average Lifetime rating from Google

Sentiment distribution: the distribution of Positive and Negative Google reviews for the selected period.

Number of Google Ratings:

Total number of ratings from Google, for the selected period

Lifetime number of ratings from Google

Status: Answered and Unanswered Google reviews for the selected period

Facebook Recommendations (Reviews):

Average rating from Facebook, for the selected period

Average Lifetime rating from Facebook

Sentiment distribution: displays the distribution of Positive and Negative Facebook Recommendations for the selected period

Number of Facebook Recommendations (Reviews):

Total number of ratings from Facebook, for the selected period

Lifetime number of ratings from Facebook

Status: the answered and unanswered Facebook recommendations for the selected period

Trustpilot Rating:

Average rating from Trustpilot, for the selected period

Average Lifetime rating from Trustpilot

Sentiment distribution: the distribution of Positive and Negative Trustpilot reviews for the selected period.

Number of Trustpilot Ratings:

Total number of ratings from Trustpilot, for the selected period

Lifetime number of ratings from Trustpilot

Status: Answered and Unanswered Trustpilot reviews for the selected period

Top List

Date Range Facebook: displays your locations by their Facebook Rating sorted from highest to lowest, for the selected period

Date Range Google: displays your locations by their Google Rating sorted from highest to lowest, for the selected period.

Date Range Trustpilot: displays your locations by their Trustpilot Rating sorted from highest to lowest, for the selected period.

Updated on: 17/10/2023

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