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Setting up your Apple Business Connect account

Setting up your Apple Business Connect account

With an Apple business connect account connected to PinMeTo, you have access to the following capabilities:

Highest Data Priority

With a verified Apple Business Connect account, your updates have the highest possible trust and priority.

Performance Insights

Only verified Apple Business Connect accounts have access to insights. When you authorize access to PinMeTo, we request insights from the past 13 months for all your locations.

More insights via PinMeTo's API

Customers using our API can access all 50 performance metrics that Apple offers.


1. Getting started

2. Brands

3. Share Access

4. Connect Accounts

Required Information before starting

Information about D-U-N-S can be found here: D-U-N-S Number

1. Getting started

You need to complete the following steps by following the "Get Started" section of the Apple Business Connect User Guide which can be found at

Sign in with your Apple Account
Add at least two users and assign them the role Company Admin.
Register your Company or Organisation
Company Information - Verify your Company

Only once your company is verified, should you move onto the next section

2. Brands

Apple's Brand Structure

A brand is tied to a single country
All locations for a brand must be within the same country

Adding Brands to Your Company

Follow the steps to add brands.

3. Share Access

Follow the steps to share access with PinMeTo. (Use a Partner ID to share your content with a Third-Party Partner)

The PinMeTo Company ID needed for sharing access can be found in PinMeTo, go to Account Settings > Connections

4. Connect Accounts

Contact PinMeTo's support and let us know that your account is verified by Apple and ready to connect

In PinMeTo, go to Account Settings > Connections
In the Apple section, click Login.

Allow PinMeTo permission to delegate access

From the list, select brands created in Apple Business Connect that you want to connect to your PinMeTo account.

Only select the brands with locations managed in the PinMeTo account you are currently in.

You have completed all the steps!

Our system will automatically connect the locations you have in PinMeTo to Apple Business Connect. Track the progress in Networks .

Locations that are not yet created on Apple can be found by clicking on the number in the Needs Action column.

Updated on: 06/02/2025

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