Introducing the PinMeTo API
PinMeTo API - Unlock the Power of PinMeTo within your own systems and services
PinMeTo provide our customers with two powerful APIs to help you leverage your location data in a seamless way. With the Locations API, you can integrate with PinMeTo to access and manage your location data through your own systems and services. With the Insights API you can access insights for your locations. Together, these APIs provide a complete solution for managing your location data and improving your online visibility in a way that just blends in with your organization.
Use the right API based on what you want to do
Show your locations information in your website
Whether you have a store locator or your locations have their own web page, to get and display the most updated location information, use the Locations API v2.
Spotlight your locations ratings
Do you want to highlight how well your locations are performing according to your customers? Use the Insights API v3.
Display your customers reviews and comments
Build trust with your customers by showing them what other customers say. To display their reviews and comments in your website or other platforms, use the Insights API v2.
Use your locations information in your internal platforms
You have all your information consolidated in PinMeTo, we are the source of truth. Your internal platforms and services can get the data they need through the Locations API v2.
Update your locations data from your internal systems
Is your company using internal systems to manage your locations data? You can keep the information up to date in PinMeTo, and the networks, using our Locations API v2.
How to get started
The setup is quick. All you need to do is to:
Request access through Account Settings > API
When you’ve been granted access, generate credentials for your services in Account Settings > API
Use these credentials to authenticate and start making requests from your services
Send our technical documentation to your developers
Locations API - Take control of your location data
The Locations API allows you to integrate with PinMeTo to access and manage your location data through your own systems and services. Typically, customers integrate with PinMeTo Locations API to have a single place for managing location data and to use that information for keeping websites, store locators, etc. up-to-date. Customers can also move management of location data from PinMeTo to their own internal systems to minimize changes to their existing workflows.

Frequently Asked Questions
Is it complicated? No, the Locations API is built on widely known technologies for software developers building API integrations. See our technical documentation here.
When is the data that we send to the API published to the networks? As soon as you resolve the conflict or approve the address+lat/long difference in Listings. This means that all data pushed to PinMeTo needs to be approved before it is sent to all networks.
Which location data fields are supported? All fields in PinMeTo are available with the API, except for images, attributes and categories.
We have location data fields that are used for internal purposes. Can we manage these fields through the Locations API? Yes, we allow all types of data giving you the flexibility to manage your data the way you want. You just need to provide a specification for the data structure. Read more about Custom Fields here.
Can we test the integration until we are sure that it works? Yes, we provide a test environment. It works exactly the same as if you integrated with the real (production) API but with no real data.
Does PinMeTo provide webhook integrations for data changes? No, but it would suffice to poll the API at an interval to fetch updates.
Can I use the Locations API to integrate with my third-party systems? If the system has an API available your development teams can get location data through our Locations API and send it to any system of your choice.
Insights API: PinMeTo insights tailored to your unique needs
The Insights API allows you to access insights for your locations on the different networks that you are connected to. Typically, customers integrate with PinMeTo Insights API to analyze their locations’ performance on the networks together with other relevant data in their existing analytics tools. Customers can also use the API to get the latest top reviews and showcase them on their website. The opportunities are endless!

Frequently Asked Questions
Is it complicated? No, the Insights API is built on widely known technologies for software developers building API integrations. See our technical documentation here.
Which insights are available? Performance metrics and reviews on Google & Facebook. We continuously add more insights as we expand our platform.
Can I use the Insights API to integrate with Looker Studio/Power BI/external analytics tools? PinMeTo does not provide direct integrations with these types platforms, but development teams can get insights data through our Insights API and send it to any analytics tool.
Updated on: 16/07/2024
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