How to Add a New User
How to Add a New User
This article will guide you through the steps of creating a new user of your company's PinMeTo Account.
First. To create a new user in PinMeTo, your own role must be set as Owner of the account. You can only be granted an Owner role by someone else being Owner of the account.
Follow these steps:
Click on the grid icon in the upper right corner of your screen. Then select Account Settings.
In the Access Manager, click on the Add New User button.

Type the User information; E-mail Address, Name and Last name
Then choose the Role level the person shall have; a User or Owner of the account. Owners will automatically have access to all products, locations and groups, and can add new users to the account.
You can also choose the API Developer Role. This role is intended for users who will be implementing API integration with PinMeTo and require access to credentials, documentation, and logs. If the user only needs access to API settings, there is no need to grant permissions to any groups or locations.

When adding a User, your next step will be to set the User permissions; shall the user have access to manage all locations in the accounts or only chosen locations and location groups? Choose the permissions by clicking the boxes next to you choice.
The new user will now receive an invitation e-mail to verify their account, set up the password and the Two-Factor Authentication.

Two-Factor Authentication
The Two-Factor Authentication is a security feature that uses an SMS code sent to your mobile device or an Authentication app in addition to a password for signing in to your account. For security reasons, we recommend all customers to use this feature. To set the The Two-Factor Authentication the user will be prompted to add a mobile phone number.
The E-mail Invitation
The user need to verify their account by clicking on the invitation link and proceed with the set up of their account within 30 days from receiving the invitation. After that the link will expire and a new invitation link needs to be sent from the inviter.
After creating the password, if the Two-Factor Authentication is activated the User will have to add the phone number and select if the Google Authenticator app should be used. You can either decide to use your Two-Factor Authentication with an SMS code sent to your mobile phone or through the Google Authenticator app.
When setting the Role to Owner, that person will automatically be granted access to all Products (and features within), locations and groups, and can add new users to the account.
When setting the Role to User, these are the Permissions you can choose from:
No Access - No access to the product
Manager - Can add, edit, and permanently close locations, but won't be able to delete a location from the system
No Access - No access to the product
Manager - Have access to managed all features within the product (view, assign, respond, set saved replies, set labels etc)
User - Can do everything besides add/remove/edit Labels
No Access - No access to the product
Viewer - Can see content, but won't be able to edit
Author - Can create and edit content, but won't be able to publish
Publisher - Have access to managed all features within the product (create, edit, publish content, and approve and publish other users' content).
Updated on: 05/07/2024
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