Articles on: Posts

Google Posts

Our Posts product is currently offering Update and Offer related posts. You can post to multiple Google Locations at once via our Posts product.

Article Suggestion: Revealing the Potential of Google Business Posts for Enhanced Online Presence

Creating a Google Business Post

Navigate to Posts

Click on ''Create Post'' and select ''Google''

Currently, we offer two types of Google Posts: Updates or Offers

Select on which Post type you would like to create

Add a Title (for internal use only)

Select all locations you would like this Update or Offer to go out to

Add the text of your post

Add a call to action (article on CTA)

Click ''Publish''

You have up to 1,500 characters for the details of your post, but the ideal length is between 150-300 characters.

All uploaded media must meet the following size requirements:

Image has to be minimum 250x250
Image file must be less than 4 MB (Larger images will be auto-resized to fit google's requirement)
Image file must be at least 10240 bytes

Recommended format for images is landscape.

Please check the Posts Content Policy of Google here.

Editing a published Google Business Post

Go to the published Google post you'd like to update

Click on the edit icon in the top right corner

Here you can edit all fields, including image, except for the "Post Type" field (changing an Offer Post to an Update or Update Post to an Offer)

Once you are happy with your changes, click "Publish"

Updated on: 01/10/2024

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