How To Verify My Domain on Facebook
How To Verify My Domain on Facebook and Connect my Facebook Pages
Domain Verification is a way for you to claim ownership of your domain on Facebook, through Meta Business Manager.
This ownership allows you to control editing privileges of your links and other content, which prevents misuse of your domain and keeps bad actors from spreading misinformation.
Watch this video or read the article below to learn more.
Why verify ownership of your Domain?
By claiming ownership and verifying your domain on Facebook you can edit the information presented when posting a website link. With this you will be able to edit image, text and description.
Note: You can always publish a link without edited link content!

How to do it in Two Steps:
To be able to edit your link you
First need to verify your domain on Facebook.
Secondly you need to connect each of your facebook pages to that verified domain in Meta Business Manager.
What happens if I publish a post with an edited link where my page isn’t connected to a verified domain?
You will receive this error. To resolve this you can either update your post so it doesn’t include an edit link or continue to follow this guide to verify your domain and connect your pages.

How To Verify My Domain?
To verify your domain you need to confirm your ownership trough your website either by DNS Verification, Meta Tags or the HTML File Upload. To do this you need to be able to access updating on your website. Either follow our guide below or go directly to Facebook's developer step-by-step guide on how to do it.
Go to Domains settings in Meta Business Manager through this shortcut. Or Go to Meta Business Manager Settings. Select the account which your page is part of, in the menu on the left, select Brand Safety, and then Domains.
First add the domain (your website's URL) that you want to verify.

Secondly select the way you would like to verify your domain and follow the steps presented.

When you domain is verified on Facebook it should look like this:

Now you only have to connect your selected pages to the verified domain.
How To Connect my Pages to my Verified Domain
The hardest part is over, now you only need to connect those of your pages that should be able to post an edited link from this domain. In Meta Business Manager you need to connect both your brand page and all location pages individually.
Go to Domains settings in Meta Business Manager through this shortcut. Or Go to Meta Business Manager Settings, select the account which your page is part of, in the menu on the left, select Brand Safety and Suitability, and then Domains.
Select the Domain
Click on Connected assets. Here you can see a list of all connect assets (pages) that you allow to edit the link information when posting.
Search for the page you want to add and simply add it.

Note: Each time you add a new page to Facebook you have to manually go in and add it to the verified domain to be able to post an edited link to that page.
Updated on: 05/12/2024
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