Articles on: Listings

Storefront Name Guidelines

What is a Storefront Name?

A Storefront Name is a data field found under General Data in the location view. By default, it is the same as your account name, but it can be changed if, for example, you have a country code or other abbreviations in the account name that are not included on your storefronts.

In Locations, Storefront Name is displayed as Name:

Storefront Name is one of the fields that we send to all networks. Each network has its own rules and guidelines to follow, therefore we recommend that you keep it uniform for all locations. The rule of thumb is for the Storefront Name to reflect exactly what it says on your storefronts in real life. This ensures that the networks accept it.

You may be tempted to add additional information in your location names, such as:

Your Brand Name - London (next to Big Ben)
Your Brand Name - Call us on +000123456
Your Brand Name - The Best In The Business
Your Brand Name - (inside the shopping center)

These examples are not acceptable. Using such additional information may harm your SEO and goes against the networks’ rules. Non-compliance with guidelines may result in suspension of your locations.

Storefront Name on Google

Google allows for some exceptions, for example for sub-brands or departments. For this, you can use the Custom Google Name field. You can find more information and tips from Google here. If you would like to learn more about Custom Google Name and whether we can activate it for you, please reach out to the PinMeTo Support.

Storefront Name on Facebook

By default, your Location Pages will inherit the name of your Brand Page on Facebook. If you would like to be able to distinguish between your locations on Facebook, we recommend that you use the Location Descriptor field in Listings. It will be displayed in parentheses after the Page Name:

Facebook does allow for custom page names. In order to change a page’s name, you will need direct admin access for that page. This means that it will have to be done directly on Facebook and is not possible to change via PinMeTo Listings. You can find instructions on how to change your Facebook Page’s name here.

If you change the name of one or more pages on Facebook, please contact PinMeTo Support so that we can make sure that you do not get Location Conflicts for Custom Facebook Name.

Storefront Name on Apple

Apple has the strictest rules regarding Storefront Name out of all the networks. They do not allow any deviations from the brand name or extra information. If you alter the Storefront Name to anything other than its exact reality, Apple Support will refuse to rectify any other inaccuracies of your Business data. This is why we strongly recommend keeping the Storefront Name uniform, to avoid any problems with the networks in the future.


Ensure that your Storefront Name is uniform for all locations and reflect your storefront in reality to ensure best SEO results and comply with network guidelines.
Google allows for some exceptions, for example for sub-brands or departments.
It is possible to customize Page names on Facebook, but you need full admin rights to be able to do that.

Location Name, Platsnamn, Butiksnamn, Store Name, Shopfront

Updated on: 19/06/2024

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